Thursday, June 28, 2012

I'm with You

Have you ever had one of those ideas where everyone else thought you were crazy? Maybe you were young and you wanted to go on some adventure that seemed unrealistic? The response you got was more like "Are you crazy? No!" rather than a "Sounds good, let's go!"

I am an idea and project person, sometimes I am amazed by the number of projects I can come up with in one day. Usually they only hold up residence in my head, but nonetheless they exist. That personality has done some good, but also some bad. It has made me a person who likes to "fix" others. Have you ever done that? The intentions are always true and noble, but they don't always appear that way.

Recently, I've learned I want to just be with them. Think of a time when you had an idea that others would tell you was a bit crazy. Did you have one person that said, "Sounds great. I'm with you." Regardless of whether or not the idea would work or if they thought it was a good idea they were by your side. They showed you presence. They weren't going to try to change your mind or you. They showed you love.

That's the kind of love God has for us. Jesus is often called Immanuel, which means "God with us." Jesus is present. The world can make us believe that love is suppose to be found in material things or wrapped up in a pretty bow. However, the love that God created and gives to us is a rather costly love, because it requires some sacrifice and presence. It not about undertaking a project or fixing someone, it's about being present. It's about saying, "I am with you." No matter what choices that person may make, you love them all the same.

Isaiah 41:10 "So do not fear, for I am with you."

Hope you have a fantastic Thursay! Much Love!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Be You

I have been missing the blog greatly, but I have to be honest I've been loving what God is teaching me. Usually when He lays something on my heart I immediately want to write about it, but that hasn't been the case for the past few weeks. I had the opportunity to spend my weekend volunteering at a youth conference that my family has helped put on for over 17 years now, called Steubenville. It was profound to watch hundreds of high school students accept Christ. Isn't that awesome? His work this weekend had me on fire for Him.

Anyway, it may seem like I have completely forgotten about my "In Search of Everything" project...I haven't. I have actually been doing lots of research and writing on it.

The first thing that has profoundly hit me is How simple right? The thing is, I get so preoccupied on trying to change or try new things that I forget to embrace certain characteristics about myself that some may dislike, but someone else might love. One of those people being Jesus.

"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made"
Psalm 139:14

As I began to think and pray on this God brought to mind some people that I love so deeply. Characteristics that they have that make them who they are began to flood my mind. Both good and bad qualities that I cherished. Those qualities are what made me love them and make them unique.

My encouragement to you today is to just be you. Accept your true likes, instead of trying to force yourself to do something, because someone else thinks you should or it looks rather glamorous. You were created unique.

Hope you have a lovely Monday! Much Love!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Trusting in a Plan

"We cannot understand. The best is perhaps what we understand least.”
-C.S. Lewis

God's will for our lives seems pretty similar to this quote in my opinion. The way in which He carries out our plan is usually quite different from how we imagined it to play out. However, we are called to live by faith and that requires trusting in a plan that is foreign to us (2 Corinthians 5:7).

The unknown variables can cause fear and confusion, especially in a time of transition or tragedy. We so often get caught up in the fear that we forget about the trust and the being set free. While the unknown is a scary place, it is also a beautiful place. We have to be careful not to protect ourselves so much, that we forget about our callings. Within that great plan, there is a great calling.

I love in the verses of Esther's story how she goes from a place of self-preservation to a trusting-revelation (Esther 4). She had a choice and so do you. He wants to set you free, like Esther, to boldly accept and trust His plan. We were born in the spirit and we must learn to walk in the spirit.

He is the potter and we are the clay (Job 9). He is mighty and full of mercy. You have the choice to trust and He will never force it upon you. He asks you to not just trust in a plan, but also an unfailing love. Maybe you've already trusted Him, but today remind yourself of that moment you trusted Him.

Hope you have a wonderful Tuesday!! Much Love!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Listening Well

One of my absolute favorite books in the bible is James. I recently came across the verse where James tells us that, "Everyone must be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry." This is always a convicting verse for those of us who love to talk. However, there is a reason we were given two ears and one mouth.

When you are listening to someone, are you also trying to formulate a clever or in-depth response? Do you look them in the eyes, but not really see them? I am so guilty of doing this sometimes. This means that we are not really grasping every part of what someone may be trying to tell us. We fail to hear what is behind the words - the pain or hurt that is coming from their hearts.

Sometimes the best gift we can give is just listening. Our responses will be more thoughtful that way, because we will understand what the person speaking was trying to convey to us. We will not just sympathize with them, but also empathize with them.

My encouragement to you is to memorize James 1:19 and every time you have a conversation pray on that verse. It may change your communication with others and reveal things to you that you never knew before.

Hope you have a lovely day! Much Love!

P.S. I know that I have recently had NO consistency in my posting schedule, but I really have no excuse! Too be honest I kind of like not having a schedule during the summer, just check on Facebook or Twitter! Thanks :)

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Be Child-Like

How is your weekend going? It has been raining like crazy here in Louisiana, I feel like I am living in Seattle! I am definitely ready for some sunshine.

I'm not sure how often you are around children, but I came to find last night it is a magnificent thing to be around little ones. I have the great privileBigfoot being a big sister to two adorable young girls. Last night my littlest sister, Berklee, taught me something I pray I never forget.

I have recently been so preoccupied with other things that we haven't gotten much quality time together. However, we got to snuggle up last night and get our girl time in. She is only two, but the smartest two year old I have ever met (maybe I'm biased). It was way past her bedtime, so we had to start calming down. I asked her if she wanted to hear a story, which she agreed to and insisted I tell the story of Cinderella. I didn't mind - that's one of my absolute favorites.

As I finished up the story I asked her if she was a princess. She replied to me with no doubt that yes of course she was a princess. I followed her answer up with the story of her being Jesus being our savior. He was her King and she was His little princess. She listened to me with great intent, a way I often wished I would listen to people. She understood what I said, because she regurgitated it right back to me. She said "I'm Jesus princess and He loves me". It brought great joy to my heart. It's never too early to plant the seed of Christ in anyone.

What if we thought of things that simply? It is that simple at the end of the day. Jesus loves us intimately and fought for us like the great King we need. He saved us, but we let other things get in the way of rememebering that. He calls us to have a child-like faith (Mark 10:15). I never realized why until last night as I watched how easily she trusted. She trusted my words, like we should trust His. Wednesday I asked you to Be Soft in a world that wants to make you so bitter and hard. Today I'm encouraging you to be child-like, trust in a God that knows more than we will ever know. You will not be disappointed.

Have a Child-Like Weekend! Much Love!!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Be Soft

"Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let the pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness. Take pride that even though the rest of the world may disagree, you still believe it to be a beautiful place."

I'm not sure who said this quote, but I love it! Sometimes the negativity in life can cause us to stop believing in wonderful things, like divine purpose, love, true friendship, and even simple kindness. Christianity calls us to be vulnerable and loving, which is so contrasting to the world we live in and many people who interact with us. It calls us to be soft in a really hard world.

We forget to believe in the incredible things God has given us, because we harden ourselves to them. God tells us that He has given us everything we need for life (2 Peter 1:3) and that we must live a life of love (Colossians 3:14). Don't be afraid to feel things and to not to let the pain or cruelty of the world make you stop believing in the beautiful things God has given you and created around you.

I don't know what kind of situations you may be in or what you your going through (I'd love to know), but I encourage you to be soft. Don't let the hardness of world or the protection of your pride get in the way. Love fully and completely. Forgive and move forward. Cry but then remember to laugh. Don't let this world make you stop feeling, because once you stop feeling things you stop really living. God created you to live fully.

I am so glad to finally be back and post again! I had a wonderful graduation and trip to the Bahamas - it was one I will never forget. I would love to hear from you and how you are doing!

Hope you are having a fab Wednesday! Much Love!