Monday, October 15, 2012

Be Still...even for a second!

I have been WAY missing writing little devotionals once or twice a week and hearing such sweet feedback...It made me so happy!! I have decided to start setting aside time to do them again! I hope that makes you happy as well! 

"Sometimes, you need to step outside, get some air, and remind yourself of who you are and what you want to be." –Unknown

Life can get so incredibly busy in the fall.  It can be hard to just slow down and think about what you want and who you want to be in your future.  We tend to lose sight of where our priorities should be, or at least sometimes I do.  We can lose sight of what is worth our time and what is not. 

I once heard that if God created time, then He is able to stretch it.  I never really understood this concept until there seemed to just not be enough hours in the day.  The verse Psalm46:10, "Be still and know that I am God," is one that made me realize how He could do such a thing.  Starting a day off with simply whispering to yourself that verse and having a small quiet time in the morning and even throughout the day can multiple your productivity.  It also puts so many things into perspective.  It allows you to know what’s important and lessen the anxiety level (boy, do I need that!) 

So, try being still today...even if it is for just a second! Breathe. Relax. Try not to stress so much! Remember He tells us not to worry (Matthew 6:25).

Have a fabulous Sunday! Much Love!

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