If you are like me, you probably have all these checklists in your head of things you have to get done. Some of these checklists may be simple, but some can be more complex and relate to the big things in your life. Being the planner of your life can be very stressful because it requires you to know all the answers. My proposition for you today is to rid yourself of some of that control you feel you desperately need in your life, and hand it over to someone who can use it for good (Romans 8:28).
I encourage you to walk by faith, not by sight. Proverbs 3:5 tells us to, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart." Do you trust him with your plans? With your life? I have found that, when I let go of my constant need to plan and control the events in my life, He replaces it with a much more glorious plan. I am often humbled by the fact that the Creator of the universe, the Alpha and Omega chose to plan all of my days before I even came to be (Psalm 139:16).
Start in baby steps, when something arises that you find you are holding on to tightly or unsure of what to do, relinquish it to Christ. Imagine how much more smoothly our lives would go if we did not wait until it seemed all hope was lost to turn to Christ. If we begin giving Him control from the start, we can start living God-willed and purposeful lives instead of self-seeking and man-planned lives.
Hope your Monday is a stress free one! Much Love!
Great message and a much-needed one in my life right now! I need to remind myself that I am not in control and that, if I have faith, my prayers will be answered, and I will look back and understand just what God's plan was and how he answered my prayers in His own distinct way. It is the waiting for those answers that is often so difficult, but it is well-worth it and can be made easier by remaining strong in my faith and understanding that God is the one in control! Much love back to you!