I am new at this blogging, so please bear with me! I have been working in ministry for three years and have absolutely loved it. I have taken this year off, because I have so much going on in my life. However, God has laid doing this blog on my heart, and I am so excited about it!
I began praying about what I would post first, and what came to mind is that you need to know who I am. What an easy question, right? I realized that the answer of who I am is deeper than my name, age, and character traits. The world seems to give us lots of labels, both good and bad of who we are. I'm sure you have a few popping into your head now. Some can be easily identifiable like sister or mother, but some can be more difficult to admit to like being fake or a gossip. A question I ask myself is whether or not Christ calls me these things.
As a born again Christian, you and I are a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV). Therefore all those labels that we may put on ourselves are no longer true. I read recently that a person has about 60,000 thoughts a day, and 70% of those are negative. Think about how many of those are negative about ourselves. We have to begin seeing ourselves the way Christ sees us in order to be the people God calls us to be. We cannot truly love others without understanding the unconditional amount God loves us.
My heart was led to one of my favorite Psalms, Psalm 139. It says that we are "fearfully and wonderfully made" (Psalm 139:14 NIV). He knows our hearts (Psalm 139:23 NIV). How comforting is that to know that we are so wonderfully made in Christ and that we are not of this world. Therefore the labels that this world places on us are not true. We are made for more.
I hope today you are encouraged by the fact that you have been made for such a great purpose and the Lord sees you for more than all the labels you or the world may put on you (Song of Solomon 4:7 NIV).
Hope you have a fabulous day! Much Love!
Song to listen to: Beautiful for Me By: Nicole Nordeman
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