Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Fabulous Things Come to Those Who Wait

With technology at our finger tips, waiting for things is becoming a more tedious task. Between my ability to have instantaneous contact with those around me or fast forwarding through commercials, I don't seem to wait on much in my daily life. God does not forget to leave some mystery in my life or keep me waiting for something. I must admit I am very thankful for that at the end of every day.

My sweet boyfriend lives thousands of miles away for school, which has taught me a lot about patience. I guess for me that first direction of love (1 Corinthians 13:4) is very pertinent to my life (Thanks God!). Patiently waiting for him to come home can be very difficult at times, but it makes seeing him all the more special. Often times when we get things right away, we just don't appreciate them the same way.

Think about something that God has required you to be patient about and wait for His timing. The Bible says in Ecclesiastes 3 that there is a time for everything. Sometimes we just have to wait it out a little while. He gives us great comfort and encouragement in our waiting though, which I greatly appreciate! Psalm 27:14 asks us to wait upon the Lord and He will strengthen us. In Matthew 18:26, Jesus tells us that if we are patient, He will pay us back. I love those promises that we don't really deserve, they are so humbling and reminding of how sweet the Lord is to us.

I'm not sure if you are waiting on something in your life. Maybe it's big or maybe it's small, but I encourage you though to have patience. Your plan is in the hands of the maker of the universe, He knows what is right for you. He will give you what you need at the perfect time (Isaiah 55:8).

Hope you have a terrific Tuesday!! Much Love!

P.S. I have written recently on what God is doing mostly in my life and what He lays on my heart. However, I would love to hear more from you and what He has been doing in your life. I have SO appreciated the encouraging words and support about the post!!

I loved this quote and wanted to share it with you! 

Song to listen to: While I'm Waiting by: John Waller 


  1. Amazing how timely your messages are for me each time you post them . . . I suppose that has something to do with the fact that God is all behind it!! I certainly needed a reminder to be patient about those things that are beyond my control right now. Keep up the great posts- they always brighten my day! Love!

  2. Luv Luv Luv ur posts!
