Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Finding Contentment

Being content can sometimes be a difficult thing to instill in your life.  Even though I have been so graciously blessed by God with many things, I still find myself wanting more.  It's something I hate to admit!  In a world that seems to be more materialistic than ever, it tough to think we have enough.

With a great love for "things," it's tough to say no to fabulous purses and shoes.  However it begins to create a void that we cannot fill.  Do you ever feel that way?  For you it may not be about things, but about relationships.  The ones you love just are not doing enough or appreciating you enough.  Nothing seems like it is ever up to par with you. 

Hebrews13:5 tells us to be content with what we have.  Whether it be in your relationships or in a want for things, we must learn that every good gift is from above and that we have all we need (2 Corinthians 9:8 and James 1:17).  When we begin to become content with what we have, I think we will find great love for those things.

Do not do this alone, ask for the Lord's help (Jeremiah 33:3).  Our goal should be that of Philippians4:11-13, to be content in whatever circumstances.  We must begin looking at what we have as enough.  Begin telling those in our life that they measure up and are enough for us.  When they don't seem to meet all our needs, we must turn to God.  Many of those needs that we expect others to fill are often ones only God can fill.  In order to be content we must become dependent on him to fulfill our needs.

If you are like me and have nagged a few people in your life about not being enough whether directly or indirectly, I encourage you to tell them that they are enough.  Start reflecting on the needs you expect them to fill and ask God to fill them instead.  Your relationships will appreciate it.  Try to find contentment in what you have instead of buying whatever the latest thing may be.

I hope you have a lovely Tuesday!! Much Love!!

P.S. Check out the new "Support A Cause" Page! I'm super excited about it!!!

I love this quote and it completely applies to our newest goal! :)

1 comment:

  1. I need to print this out and read it twice a day. Thank you for sharing this!
