Monday, October 15, 2012

Be Still...even for a second!

I have been WAY missing writing little devotionals once or twice a week and hearing such sweet feedback...It made me so happy!! I have decided to start setting aside time to do them again! I hope that makes you happy as well! 

"Sometimes, you need to step outside, get some air, and remind yourself of who you are and what you want to be." –Unknown

Life can get so incredibly busy in the fall.  It can be hard to just slow down and think about what you want and who you want to be in your future.  We tend to lose sight of where our priorities should be, or at least sometimes I do.  We can lose sight of what is worth our time and what is not. 

I once heard that if God created time, then He is able to stretch it.  I never really understood this concept until there seemed to just not be enough hours in the day.  The verse Psalm46:10, "Be still and know that I am God," is one that made me realize how He could do such a thing.  Starting a day off with simply whispering to yourself that verse and having a small quiet time in the morning and even throughout the day can multiple your productivity.  It also puts so many things into perspective.  It allows you to know what’s important and lessen the anxiety level (boy, do I need that!) 

So, try being still today...even if it is for just a second! Breathe. Relax. Try not to stress so much! Remember He tells us not to worry (Matthew 6:25).

Have a fabulous Sunday! Much Love!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Advice from A Smart Bear

I recently came across a quote that I have always loved by none other than Winnie the Pooh. After I read this one quote, I decided to look up some other and then share them with you. Hopefully you will find reading advice from my favorite bear fun and maybe even inspiring!

"Some people care too much. I think it's called love."

“How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.”

"If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together... there is something you must always remember. you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we're apart... I'll always be with you.”

“Weeds are flowers, too, once you get to know them.”

“I think we dream so we don’t have to be apart for so long. If we’re in each other’s dreams, we can be together all the time.”

"If there ever comes a day when we can't be together keep me in your heart, I'll stay there forever."

These are the quotes that stuck out to me personally, but A.A. Milne (writer of Winnie the Pooh) has many more. I hope you liked these and maybe even took away some inspiration from one of them. I am coming to the conclusion that we can never take ourselves so seriously that we forget to enjoy the things we loved as children. Often times our greatest loves and passion were evident then!

Hope you have a terrific Tuesday!!! Much Love!

Sunday, July 8, 2012


"A woman's heart must be so hidden in Christ that a man must seek Him in order to find and understand her."

I have always loved this quote, but I came across it today and had a much greater appreciation for it. As I mentioned to you in a previous post, I have been doing lots of reading and research. One person that I have uncovered great knowledge on is, Eve.

As I read through commentaries and books regarding Eve and Genius, I came across the word "ezer", which God calls Eve for Adam. The translation of the word that I felt really showed Eve's purpose was "lifesaver." In Genesis 2:18, God says that it is not good for man to be alone. He gives us this great purpose and irreplaceability here. What we have to grasp is that we are the daughters of Eve, therefore, we have a great purpose and irreplaceability. Imagine the significance you as a woman have if God decided that without you "something wasn't good," even though He had created a place untouched with sin and a scared relationship with Adam.

We, as women, can learn so much from Eve and who God called her to be in this world. He placed us here to be a lifesaver to another to allow for someone else to see Christ through us and allow for Him to changed their hearts, forever. My question to you today is where is your heart? Is it hidden in the very depths of Christ?

The book that I am reading right now to give me such incredible insight into Eve and her story is called, "Captivating" by John and Stasti Eldredge. The men's version of this book is called "Wild at Heart" by John Eldredge. I would encourage you to read both - they can open your eyes up to things you never understood before! They are definitely doing that for me!

Have a lovely Sunday! Much love!!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Current Inspiration

So I thought I would share with you some verses and quotes that are currently encouraging me in my life...

"It is easy to heavy, hard to be light."
-G.K. Chesterton

Do you often find it easier to complain or get bogged down because of a tough situations? It is often more difficult to find the positive or joy in something than to complain about it. I have been recently working to be "lighter" with my attitude, regardless of what I may really experiencing at heart. It not only helps my mood, but also others. Find the postive, be light.

“You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everybody,”
-2 Corinthians 3:2 NIV

This verse really captivated my heart this morning. Our lives are a letter from God to the world, our actions and character reflect Him. I want my letter to be a magnificent one. A letter that someone would want to read over and over again. However, I can't have a letter like that if I am not constantly surrendering myself to Him. What are you writing with your attitudes, actions, and words?

"Not to spoil the ending for you but everything is going to be...ok."

This quote just made me smile. In the midst of a very confusing life knowing that at the end of the day everything is going to be ok is quite comforting. I have come to find lately that dwelling on things that I can't understand does me no good. Why not dwell on the things that I am sure of? I am sure of God's faithfulness, His love, His plan and to me that is enough. Since I know those things, I can rest assure in the fact that in the ending of my dilemmas, everything is going to be ok.

I would love to hear about what is currently inspiring and guiding you! Have a great Tuesday! Much Love!!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

I'm with You

Have you ever had one of those ideas where everyone else thought you were crazy? Maybe you were young and you wanted to go on some adventure that seemed unrealistic? The response you got was more like "Are you crazy? No!" rather than a "Sounds good, let's go!"

I am an idea and project person, sometimes I am amazed by the number of projects I can come up with in one day. Usually they only hold up residence in my head, but nonetheless they exist. That personality has done some good, but also some bad. It has made me a person who likes to "fix" others. Have you ever done that? The intentions are always true and noble, but they don't always appear that way.

Recently, I've learned I want to just be with them. Think of a time when you had an idea that others would tell you was a bit crazy. Did you have one person that said, "Sounds great. I'm with you." Regardless of whether or not the idea would work or if they thought it was a good idea they were by your side. They showed you presence. They weren't going to try to change your mind or you. They showed you love.

That's the kind of love God has for us. Jesus is often called Immanuel, which means "God with us." Jesus is present. The world can make us believe that love is suppose to be found in material things or wrapped up in a pretty bow. However, the love that God created and gives to us is a rather costly love, because it requires some sacrifice and presence. It not about undertaking a project or fixing someone, it's about being present. It's about saying, "I am with you." No matter what choices that person may make, you love them all the same.

Isaiah 41:10 "So do not fear, for I am with you."

Hope you have a fantastic Thursay! Much Love!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Be You

I have been missing the blog greatly, but I have to be honest I've been loving what God is teaching me. Usually when He lays something on my heart I immediately want to write about it, but that hasn't been the case for the past few weeks. I had the opportunity to spend my weekend volunteering at a youth conference that my family has helped put on for over 17 years now, called Steubenville. It was profound to watch hundreds of high school students accept Christ. Isn't that awesome? His work this weekend had me on fire for Him.

Anyway, it may seem like I have completely forgotten about my "In Search of Everything" project...I haven't. I have actually been doing lots of research and writing on it.

The first thing that has profoundly hit me is How simple right? The thing is, I get so preoccupied on trying to change or try new things that I forget to embrace certain characteristics about myself that some may dislike, but someone else might love. One of those people being Jesus.

"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made"
Psalm 139:14

As I began to think and pray on this God brought to mind some people that I love so deeply. Characteristics that they have that make them who they are began to flood my mind. Both good and bad qualities that I cherished. Those qualities are what made me love them and make them unique.

My encouragement to you today is to just be you. Accept your true likes, instead of trying to force yourself to do something, because someone else thinks you should or it looks rather glamorous. You were created unique.

Hope you have a lovely Monday! Much Love!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Trusting in a Plan

"We cannot understand. The best is perhaps what we understand least.”
-C.S. Lewis

God's will for our lives seems pretty similar to this quote in my opinion. The way in which He carries out our plan is usually quite different from how we imagined it to play out. However, we are called to live by faith and that requires trusting in a plan that is foreign to us (2 Corinthians 5:7).

The unknown variables can cause fear and confusion, especially in a time of transition or tragedy. We so often get caught up in the fear that we forget about the trust and the being set free. While the unknown is a scary place, it is also a beautiful place. We have to be careful not to protect ourselves so much, that we forget about our callings. Within that great plan, there is a great calling.

I love in the verses of Esther's story how she goes from a place of self-preservation to a trusting-revelation (Esther 4). She had a choice and so do you. He wants to set you free, like Esther, to boldly accept and trust His plan. We were born in the spirit and we must learn to walk in the spirit.

He is the potter and we are the clay (Job 9). He is mighty and full of mercy. You have the choice to trust and He will never force it upon you. He asks you to not just trust in a plan, but also an unfailing love. Maybe you've already trusted Him, but today remind yourself of that moment you trusted Him.

Hope you have a wonderful Tuesday!! Much Love!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Listening Well

One of my absolute favorite books in the bible is James. I recently came across the verse where James tells us that, "Everyone must be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry." This is always a convicting verse for those of us who love to talk. However, there is a reason we were given two ears and one mouth.

When you are listening to someone, are you also trying to formulate a clever or in-depth response? Do you look them in the eyes, but not really see them? I am so guilty of doing this sometimes. This means that we are not really grasping every part of what someone may be trying to tell us. We fail to hear what is behind the words - the pain or hurt that is coming from their hearts.

Sometimes the best gift we can give is just listening. Our responses will be more thoughtful that way, because we will understand what the person speaking was trying to convey to us. We will not just sympathize with them, but also empathize with them.

My encouragement to you is to memorize James 1:19 and every time you have a conversation pray on that verse. It may change your communication with others and reveal things to you that you never knew before.

Hope you have a lovely day! Much Love!

P.S. I know that I have recently had NO consistency in my posting schedule, but I really have no excuse! Too be honest I kind of like not having a schedule during the summer, just check on Facebook or Twitter! Thanks :)

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Be Child-Like

How is your weekend going? It has been raining like crazy here in Louisiana, I feel like I am living in Seattle! I am definitely ready for some sunshine.

I'm not sure how often you are around children, but I came to find last night it is a magnificent thing to be around little ones. I have the great privileBigfoot being a big sister to two adorable young girls. Last night my littlest sister, Berklee, taught me something I pray I never forget.

I have recently been so preoccupied with other things that we haven't gotten much quality time together. However, we got to snuggle up last night and get our girl time in. She is only two, but the smartest two year old I have ever met (maybe I'm biased). It was way past her bedtime, so we had to start calming down. I asked her if she wanted to hear a story, which she agreed to and insisted I tell the story of Cinderella. I didn't mind - that's one of my absolute favorites.

As I finished up the story I asked her if she was a princess. She replied to me with no doubt that yes of course she was a princess. I followed her answer up with the story of her being Jesus being our savior. He was her King and she was His little princess. She listened to me with great intent, a way I often wished I would listen to people. She understood what I said, because she regurgitated it right back to me. She said "I'm Jesus princess and He loves me". It brought great joy to my heart. It's never too early to plant the seed of Christ in anyone.

What if we thought of things that simply? It is that simple at the end of the day. Jesus loves us intimately and fought for us like the great King we need. He saved us, but we let other things get in the way of rememebering that. He calls us to have a child-like faith (Mark 10:15). I never realized why until last night as I watched how easily she trusted. She trusted my words, like we should trust His. Wednesday I asked you to Be Soft in a world that wants to make you so bitter and hard. Today I'm encouraging you to be child-like, trust in a God that knows more than we will ever know. You will not be disappointed.

Have a Child-Like Weekend! Much Love!!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Be Soft

"Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let the pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness. Take pride that even though the rest of the world may disagree, you still believe it to be a beautiful place."

I'm not sure who said this quote, but I love it! Sometimes the negativity in life can cause us to stop believing in wonderful things, like divine purpose, love, true friendship, and even simple kindness. Christianity calls us to be vulnerable and loving, which is so contrasting to the world we live in and many people who interact with us. It calls us to be soft in a really hard world.

We forget to believe in the incredible things God has given us, because we harden ourselves to them. God tells us that He has given us everything we need for life (2 Peter 1:3) and that we must live a life of love (Colossians 3:14). Don't be afraid to feel things and to not to let the pain or cruelty of the world make you stop believing in the beautiful things God has given you and created around you.

I don't know what kind of situations you may be in or what you your going through (I'd love to know), but I encourage you to be soft. Don't let the hardness of world or the protection of your pride get in the way. Love fully and completely. Forgive and move forward. Cry but then remember to laugh. Don't let this world make you stop feeling, because once you stop feeling things you stop really living. God created you to live fully.

I am so glad to finally be back and post again! I had a wonderful graduation and trip to the Bahamas - it was one I will never forget. I would love to hear from you and how you are doing!

Hope you are having a fab Wednesday! Much Love!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Take Time to Rest

I got the opportunity to celebrate our great freedom and the men and women who fight for us this weekend at Bayou Country Superfest! It was so much fun, but also pretty exhausting. Between that and the LONG graduation night (which was so fun), I needed a serious day of rest!

I went to see what the bible said on rest and loved that it was plentiful on the subject. I found great comfort in being reminded that when God was creating the universe (even though a lot greater than my little weekend), He took time to rest (Genesis 2:2-3). Sometimes we get so caught up in the hustle and bustle of life that we forget to rest and take time to just relax. I sometimes find myself feeling guilty for just relaxing, but I now know that isn't from God.

Taking time alone to spend some time with God is important to in our resting (Mark 6:31). He will give us the rest that we need to be rejuvenated (Matthew 11:28-29). I have recently found that quality is better than quantity. Taking time to rest and then do things the right way can allow you to be so more productive. So find some time today or tomorrow to just rest. When I allow myself some time for peace, I always find myself to be a much more effective person!

I head out for the Bahamas in two days, so I won't be posting until next week! With that said I hope you have a fabulous week and here are some verses I am loving!! Let me know what your enjoying!! Much love!

"I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with everlasting kindness."
Jeremiah 31:3

"Simply let your 'Yes' be 'Yes' and your 'No' be 'No;' anything beyond this comes from the evil one."
Matthew 5:37

"There is more mercy in Christ, than sin in us."
- Richard Sibbes

"Always be joyful. Never stop praying."
1 Thessalonians 1:2

Friday, May 25, 2012

Incredibly Thankful

Well the big graduation day is finally here! The reason I say finally is because I have literally been talking, preparing, and attending parties for this for months now. Don't get me wrong, I've loved every second of it! Anyway, I decided to reserve today's post as both a thank you and a pass along of some fabulous advice I've received.

First, I have to thank my incredible family and my dearest friends. They take time out of their busy days to read this blog and pass it along to people they know, so I felt this would be the best way to tell them thanks. They have each taught me and inspired me more than they will ever know. I would not be the person I am today without their unconditional love and support. I would like to thank each of them for loving me for exactly who I am and believing in me when I was unable to do so for myself. My gratitude for each of them is infinite.

Secondly, I want to pass on some of the great advice that they have each given to me over the years and recently that has and is continuing to change my life.

- Never change yourself for anyone else or yield to peer pressure, stick to the pure path that you have chosen.
- Love passionately and completely, even if it breaks your heart.
- Share what you have
- Make each day better than the last.
- Don't just hear, but really listen
- Never forget where you came from
- The Lord will provide strength and character to get you through any situation
- Stay open-minded
- Be present and take nothing for granted; life is short.
- Take risks
- Stay humble

I have heard many speeches, received letters, and had long talks with family and friends, but these are the things that stayed with me. These are the pieces of advice that are changing me. Maybe you've heard them all before, but something might stick with you too. I am not saying each of these things will be present in my life everyday, but I am striving to get there.

The last thing I want to leave you with is a verse that I am holding so dear to my heart right now is Psalm 126:3. The Lord has blessed me with people and things in these past years that will keep me forever grateful. I have never been more joyful as I enter into this new chapter of my life.

Have a wonderful day!! Much Love!

P.S. My apologies for how long this post ended up being! I appreciate you getting to this point :)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Believe in Yourself

"If you don't believe in yourself, then who will?" So, I came across this quote yesterday and I just fell in love with it. Isn't it so true? Many times believing in someone else is easy, because you probably see all these positive and wonderful qualities in them. However, we as not always so nice to ourselves and miss all those positive things that can allow us to live purposeful lives.

Since I will be graduating on Friday (craziness!!), I keep thinking about the "rest of my life" and what I'll be doing. I am trusting that the Lord has a perfect plan and that His timing for each opportunity will be all part of it. Believing in myself and that plan is so important though to the rest of my life.

I'm not sure where you are in your life, but I hope whatever you may be doing you believe in yourself. I just finished up Blue Like Jazz (must read) and his last chapter was on loving yourself. Not in a self-righteous or boasting way, but rather an overflow and understanding of Christ unconditional love for us. It is not until we understand those things are we able to love others fully and through Christ (1 John 4:19).

Whatever you may be doing or what adventure you might be embarking on next, believe in yourself. You are fully accepted, and loved in Christ (Ephesians 1:6). With Him you can do anything (Philippians 4:13). So, make choices that reflect that love for both yourself and Him. Believe in who Christ made you to be, it's a wonderful person!!!

Hope you have a great evening! Much love!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Peaceful Praying

I have realized I am becoming more and more like my wonderful grandfather by the second. I am currently at what might be his favorite place in the world, the lake house, and it is quickly becoming my favorite place as well. I have been coming here since I was young, but this weekend it really captivated my heart all over again (I'm aware I sound a bit dramatic). I am writing to you from the back porch and I just love how present God is here. There is nothing but peacefulness. I am hoping to come here much more frequently this summer

Our world is so busy, it is hard to take two seconds without a phone ringing or hearing the television. I think we often forget the simple things (I know I do). In forgetting the simple things, we sometimes forget to thoroughly pray for other Christians. I have always loved the title "Prayer Warrior," which means someone is constantly praying for you. There are some major prayer warriors in my family (what a blessing). Anyway, I have always wanted to be a good one.

In my readings of Colossians, the Lord showed me how to become a Prayer Warrior for the people that He lays on my heart daily. It was a step by step list on the ways to pray for a fellow Christian. I have listed them below:

1. Be thankful for their faith and changed lives (Colossians 1:3)
2. Ask God to help them know what He wants them to do. (Colossians 1:9)
3. Ask God to give them deep spiritual understanding (Colossians 1:9)
4. Ask God to help them live for Him. (Colossians 1:10)
5. Ask God to give them more knowledge of Himself. (Colossians 1:10)
6. Ask God to give them strength for endurance. (Colossians 1:11)
7. Ask God to fill them with joy, strength, and thankfulness. (Colossians 1:11,12)

What if we began praying for fellow Christians this way? What a difference it might begin to make in their lives! I have tried to be the best prayer warrior for some people, but I now I have a great guide. I hope that God lays people on your heart to pray for and that you trust in the great power of prayer. I often get discouraged, because sometimes prayer is my only way to get anything done. However, I always end up overjoyed because the Lord answers my prayer in His way (the best way).

I hope you have a lovely Sunday! Much Love!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Current Inspiration

So, I forgot that I changed the post schedule (whoops)! I am thoroughly enjoying my time off and spending it with the people that I love. Sometimes just taking some time off to breathe is so nice (I feel blessed to be able to do it). I wanted to share with you the things that are inspiring me this week and keeping me on track!

"If it is meant to be, it will be."

"Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves."
- Philippians 2:1-3

"Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails."
- 1 Corinthians 13:7

"Be daring, be different, be impractical."
- Cecil Beaton

"As long as you are proud you cannot know God. A proud man is always looking down on thing and people: and, of course, as long as you are looking down you cannot see something that is above you."
- C.S. Lewis

These quotes and verses are guiding me this week, so I hope you enjoy them! I have been doing a lot of reading on humility and it is so convicting. Have you read about Mother Theresa and all the incredible things she did (I encourage you to do so)? Her humility is so inspiring and reading about her brings me to my knees. I hope to write on humility soon (maybe tomorrow), but I like to do very thorough research and reading!

Let know know what your loving and being inspired by! I hope to have an exciting message for you tomorrow from God's word. What are you reading right now out o of His word?? I love hearing from y'all about what your reading (I get so excited).

Hope you have a great evening! Much love!!

P.S. Don't you love these beautiful white roses? They were on the dining room table when I arrived at the lake house this afternoon!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Be Thankful Always

I have decided to change up the post schedule for the summer to Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I hope you don't mind. I am finally finished with finals and couldn't be more ecstatic about the summer I have ahead of me.

With all the wonderful plans and ideas swarming around in my head I am overwhelmed. However, I keep thinking about all the incredible things that have just happened in my life. I recently posted about remembering the good things that have happened, even if you have to let go of them. Today though I want to remind you to be thankful for the things in your life both in the present and past.

I came across the quote, "You never know what you have until it's gone." This is often true for circumstances in my life, I forget to notice how great things are until they have passed me by. I forget to live intentionally. All the change that is occurring in my life is causing me to really notice how blessed I am and have been. Don't get me wrong I am loving the changes, but I also am sad to let something go (like a few best friends moving away)! We must remember to be thankful (1 Thessalonians 5:18).

My hope for you today is that you realized how truly blessed you are by your sweet Savior. Sometimes we're too busy counting all the things that are wrong, instead of counting all the things that are good. I have started to think of five blessing for every one complaint. It has helped us me to notice what I have, while I have it. I think you'll be surprised by how blessed you really are, all because the Lord loves you (Ephesians 5:20)!

Hope your having a marvelous Monday! Much Love!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Fearing the Unknown

As I have told you many of times (probably too many), my life is experiencing many changes. With that said I am receiving SO much advice from the people around me, I am absolutely reveling in it! Having the people I hold most dear give me insight about life is one of my favorite things. Finishing one chapter in my life means that there are many more to come (both scary and exciting) for me.

It has me thinking a lot about the unknown future ahead of me. I know that recently I have been all into "living in the moment" and "being thankful for right now," which I promise I'm not straying from. However, the unknown can be kind of scary and often times difficult to understand. Meaning that I don't want to just push it away like it doesn't exist. I went to my favorite source of wisdom, the Bible to give us some encouragement and insight.

There is much comfort to be found in Deuteronomy 31:6, where we discover that God will never leave us nor forsake us. No matter what obstacle we may face or unknown change that comes our way we can be strong and courageous knowing that He is there for us. He tells us over and over again that He will never let us face things alone. In Isaiah 43 (love this chapter), He tells us that whatever we pass through He will be right there with us. I hope you find great comfort in that.

Since I started my project "In Search of Everything," I tried to figure out what I was looking for and to be honest I still don't know. There is so much that I do not know yet about life and about myself that I hope to discover. I take great comfort in that fact that the Lord is going to be right alongside me as I do it.

A quote that I am just identifying so much with right now (maybe you will too) is "I didn't really know what I wanted to do but I knew the woman I wanted to become" by Diane Von Furstenberg.

I hope you have a great Thursday!!! Much Love!

Image Link

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Fitting Everything In

I am in finals (no fun!) and it is taking up ALL of my time this week!! So, instead of giving you a long devotional today I thought I would just share with you what I am studying in the bible. Hopefully you will read it and see what God has in store for you!

Current Book: Colossians

Verse for memory: Colossians 3:14

The current background on my IPad is the quote, "Most of all let love guide your life." The message is derived from Colossians 3:14. The words seem so simple to just allow for love to guide your life. If you read the post on Unconditional Love, then you remember that God is love. Therefore, let God guide your life and your actions. I like to dwell on that idea of putting love in all of my actions, to allow my motives to derive from love.

Colossians is teaching me SO much more than just this verse, but I wanted to share this one thing with you. I would love to hear what the Lord is teaching you either in this book or any book in the bible.

Have a marvelous Tuesday! Much Love!!!

P.S. Here is a quote that I am loving right now - "What's for you will not pass you by"

Image: Pinterest

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Unconditional Love

Since Mother's Day is exactly a week away, I have been thinking of the things that I value most in my mother.  The quality that keeps reoccurring in my mind is unconditional love.  The dictionary defines unconditional love as "affection with no limits or conditions."  That seems pretty accurate to me, but it also seems like so much more than that when you experience it. 

Understanding unconditional love can be a hard task in a world that so often loves with great limits.  Having the freedom to be loved for exactly who you are with the mistakes and baggage you bring is incredibly humbling.  No matter what kind of love we have experienced by the people around us, we must be able to grasp God's unconditional love for us.  The bible says that God is love and without understanding that, we do not understand love (1 John 4:8).  In order to give love, we must get it from the source.  If someone was thirsty, you could not provide water for them without going to the source of water.  Love works the same way, you must receive His love in order to give love (1 John 4:16).

We often make mistakes, because we are sinners.  However, Christ died for us even when we were sinners (Romans 5:8).  That is love, laying down His life for the one He loved.  He died for you (how humbling is that??).  He does not count our wrongs or hold them against us (1 Corinthians 13:5).  Sometimes it can be hard to accept a love that seems so unreal to the human logic, but God says that we are wonderfully and fearfully made in His image (Psalm 139:14, Genesis 1:27).  We are capable of recieving such a powerful love.

Once we learn to accept and abide in His love, we must begin to love others in this way.  The world often wants us to not always be forgiving or turn our backs on the ones who have done us wrong, but God calls us to something different.  He says to love our enemies and those who have hurt us (Luke 6:27).  He calls us to forgive other and not to count their wrongs (Matthew 5:44).  1 Corinthians 13 gives us this perfect picture of how love should be given to others.  Do not get discourage if you cannot give love perfectly, He never calls us to be perfect.  However, when we dwell in His love we will have the love to give unconditionally to others.

I hope that this gives you encouragement to give unconditional love and thank those who have illustrated love to you (including Jesus)!  Have a blessed Sunday evening! Much Love!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Trust the Plan

God's will for our life is often a process and a puzzle. It can be tough to believe in something that we cannot see or understand. His word tells us that we are to live by faith, not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). His ways are completely unfathomable to us (Job 9:1-12). We are not suppose to understand, because we are not control.

When you begin to walk by faith, it will be a walk of love. The Lord knows you intimately (Psalm 139:1-6). Due to this unfailing love for you we can rest assure that our plan is safe in Him. I often ask for explanations (it's the over thinker in me), but I must come to realize that He owes us no explanations. We are talking about the maker of the universe.

Worrying seems to be one of those things that goes along with the next step and the plan for life. Jesus gives us a whole section in Matthew on NOT worrying. He says, "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life (Matthew 6:27). Then He goes on to tell us to seek Him first and not to worry about tomorrow (Matthew 6:33-34). We live in a world that is focused on the next moment or what is going to happen next, so we miss the present. The Lord is clearly telling us to stop worrying and planning and enjoy right now.

I got the opportunity to do an interview on someone who I admire most in this world, my grand-father. Something that he kept repeating over and over is to enjoy right now. We only have right now, so stop worrying about next week or how everything will play out in four years. The maker of the universe has your plans in His hands. Trust Him.

A little activity to help you with your worrying:

Make sticky notes or note cards of all the things your worried about. Then, put them into categories (Personal issues, School, Work, Home, Relationships, Etc.). After doing that look at your worries and decide whether they are 1) Over-thinking 2) Out of Your control or 3) In your control. The things that you can fix, well fix them. The other things you need to either let go of or give over to God. I already did this and found some real clarity. Sometimes we just to literally see what we are dealing with (I'm a visual learner).

I hope you find some clarity from this activity and remember that your plan is secure in Him. You are dearly loved and chosen in Christ!!!! Much love!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Remember the Good

Often times life can involve so much hurt and bitterness that we forget to remember the good. So, today I am asking you to remember the good. I get the opportunity to see my closest friends everyday. It is one of my favorite things throughout my day. However, we've all experienced trials and tribulations in our years together. As we all part ways in a few months, I hope that we remember all the good. There was so much good.

The Lord tells us to cling to what is good (Romans 12:9). This morning I heard the quote by Dr.Suess, "Do not cry because it over, smile because it happened." Are we ever too old for some Dr.Suess?? I hope not!

So, since my post was just a small tidbit today here just some quotes and verses that I'm being inspired and currently loving!! Hope you like them and they bring you some encouragement!

"Those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good." Psalm 34:10

"Jesus loved the outcasts, He loves the ones the world loves to hate." -Relient K.

"My grace is sufficient, for my power is made perfect in my weakness." 2 Corinthians 12:9

If you are a To Do list person like me, then try this one today!! 

Have a fabulous Tuesday! Much Love!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Method in the Madness

Are you a sweets person? I love sweets and love to bake them. In my "Search for Everything" project, I plan to bake my way through a cook book - doesn't that sound fun and yum?? Anyway, I began to think of cooking as very similar to life and God's will. Hang with me on this one.

Think about your favorite dessert that you've ever made. Did it require raw eggs? Maybe some flour? Some cooking oil and a stick of butter? If I asked you to eat those things by themselves just the way they were required for the recipe, you would think I was crazy. Those ingredients by themselves are disgusting. However, when you put them together they make something delicious.

What if we began to think of God's plan that way? If we trusted the Lord and His ingredients. The lose of a job, a broken relationship, a disappointment, or even just a bad day are all awful things by themselves. When they are combined and God puts all the things He would have for us together, we get something beautiful. It may be tough sometimes to trust that all the yucky ingredients will make something wonderful, but if we trust in Him it will.

So, make time in the next few days to make something delicious. While you do it, laugh and smile knowing that you can trust in the Lord (Proverbs 3:5-6). He will make the awful ingredients blend together to make something beautiful. That beautiful thing will be your life.

I plan on baking a Buttercream Layered Cake with Strawberry Buttercream Icing!! What about you?

6 eggs
150g golden caster sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
125g plain flour , sifted
3 tbsp unsalted butter , melted
2-3 tbsp raspberry or strawberry liqueur

125g unsalted butter , softened
500g icing sugar
4 strawberries , hulled and chopped
strawberries and red currants, to decorate Icing

Hope you have a lovely Thursday! Happy Baking and Much Love!!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Letting It Go

In light of all this exciting change and adventure occurring in my life, I began to think of the clutter that I must uncluttered in my life. As I began to pray about it, I realized God has a lot to saying on letting go. In Philippians 3:13-14, it tells us of forgetting what is behind and straining for what is ahead. What do we let go of and what to we hold onto is the real question, right?

Have you ever thought of control as an idol? The word idol seems like something from the time of Kings and Israelites, not something we would struggle with. However, you would probably be amazed by all the things you'd idolize. I've been praying for God to reveal to me what I idolize, I encourage you to do the same. The idol of control seems to be a big one, especially with regards to letting go. Letting go of things can sometimes be a terribly difficult and involves much hurt, whether it be letting go of relationships, plans, goals, flaws, or gilt we may have.

Proverbs 3:4-5, tells us to trust in the Lord with all our hearts and to not lean on our own understandings. Key in on the second part, He allows us to have the knowledge that we won't understand His ways. Often times we aren't going to understand Him, because His ways are above us. We have to just trust - let go of control!

In the post on Destiny, I mentioned how often times Christ brings a revelation out of a crisis. Isaiah 43:18-19 tells us to forget the former things, because He is doing something new. We know that He works all things to good (Romans 8:28), so why not trust Him?

I'm not sure what you may be struggling with letting go of, but I have begun to believe that sometimes you just have to let go. We won't always understand why or how it is all suppose to work, but in the end it'll be for our good. If its meant to be apart of your life, He will bring it back around in His timing.

Have an awesome Tuesday!!! Much love!

P.S. I hope you enjoyed Sunday's post and were inspired in someway. I should have stuff up and running on a page about the project very soon! I loved hearing from y'all and would love to continue to hear your feedback!!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

In Search of Everything

I must tell you, I am super excited about my post to you today! While I have tried to keep myself out of the post as much as possible this one is pretty focused on my life (hope you don't mind). However, I hope God speaks to you or gives you some encouragement for your own life.

Those quotes saying "Don't think too much or you'll create a problem that didn't even exist in the first place," describes me perfectly! I tend to be an over-thinker. So, recently in my over-thinking of how I really want to find out more about life and myself, I brought it to the Lord. After much time in prayer and reading I discovered it was a time for a new project (I LOVE projects - probably why interior design is a great field for me).

I discovered that I was about to have three whole months to pretty much choose what I wanted to do, when would I ever have that opportunity again? In the midst of that I decided I wanted to read more, take more chances, exercise more, be more dependable, and more agreeable. You get the picture right? There were so many things I wanted to do and had yet to try.

Recently, I read a quote saying, "What a wonderful life I've had; I only wish I'd realized it sooner." Now I know that I'm young and I have many things to learn, but why not start doing the things I've always wanted to do right now. I want to become captivated by life.

I thought about all the things I could call it. It first occurred to me to call it, "In search of happiness," but the thing is I'm not unhappy. I have the joy of knowing who I am in Christ. I want to make that clear, this isn't a search for happiness. I'm a very happy girl. I wanted to learn and appreciate things that already exist in my life and discover new things too. So, I decided to call it, "In Search of Everything." To be honest that exactly what I feel as if I am doing.

My project is not going to be centered around me. The goal is to inspire you and learn new things about my relationship with the Lord to rely to you. Also, to help people I never though I could've helped. Volunteering has always been one of my very favorite things and this summer I plan to do a whole lot of it. I'm still figuring it all out and deciding what all to do.

It is my hope and prayer that it in some way inspires you to your own project. While it may look different than mine, it will be incredible. I will continue to post devotionals like usual, but now there will be a tab (In Search of Everything) on the blog for you to keep up with what I'm doing! Please let me know what you think and any ideas you may have for me - I seriously would LOVE to hear from you!!

Have a lovely Sunday! Much Love!!

P.S. Be sure to sign up for email updates and follow the blog on BlogLovin

Theme Song for right now: Brighter than the Sun - Colbie Caillat

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Fulfilling A Destiny

I had the privilege of leading a group of eightH grade girls in a bible study on Esther last year. Like I said in my post about Ruth, studying the women in the bible is so meaningful for me because I can relate to them! The very famous verse from Esther is in Chapter 4, verse 14, "Who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this." Verses after this Esther commits to going to the king in order to save her people even though it means risking her life. She will go boldly saying, "And if I perish, I perish." (Esther 4:16)

When we think of our destiny or our purpose, we usually think of some glorious plan. At least that is what comes to my mind. Often times when we experience a crisis, it is God's way of pivoting our direction. Our ego wants us to special instead of useful. Do not get me wrong here, YOU are special!! However, we are on this planet to be purposeful. Your destiny is always going to involve someone besides you!

In Philippians 2:13, we see that God wants to work within us. God will unfold our destiny in front of us. Often times we think this just can't be it. Whether it be what you consider to be the worst timing ever, however it may be God's perfect timing. Often when we are in a crisis, we are perfectly ready for a wonderful revelation. We have to hold on to the truth that God's time is the right time.

Sometimes its not the timing of our calling that scares us, but the request. It seems like an unreasonable request! You just feel like its more than you can handle. Do not fear though, because You are not called to do it alone(Hebrews 13:5).

A change, a dilemma, or a redirecting of our life can be an intimidating thing to experience. My encouragement to you is to trust in the Lord, faithfully and with all your heart. He is the Almighty and His ways are above ours. As I look back on the times that I thought, 'God right now is just not a good time for a project or something new.' He would come in and change my life for the better. I am so blessed for those moments of crisis that turned in victory.

Hope you have a terrific Tuesday!!! Much Love!!!!

P.S. I am so excited about Sunday's post so be sure to check back on Sunday! Thanks so much! :)

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

True Friendship

The bible gives us so many incredible examples of problems and experiences that we face everyday, which I appreciate so much! One of the wonderful examples that it contains is in the chapters of Samuel. The friendship between David and Jonathan is a guide for us. The two of them not only give you a good read, but insights into a quality friendship.

As I read through chapters thirteen through thirty one of Samuel, I found a list of qualities that we can possess to become better friends to those around us. Friendship is such a valuable thing in the body of Christ. Having someone to lean on and share your life with is what I believe God would want us to have.

1. Be a Giver. Meeting the needs of a friend is so important. A friendship can really grow when you choose to put someone's happiness before your own and genuinely care about what is valuable to them.

2. Be Loyal and Committed. Knowing that someone will always be true to you both in their presence and in their absence is vital to a true friendship. David and Jonathan made a covenant before the Lord about their friendship to remain true and loyal. (Proverbs 18:24)

3. Be Accepting. Remember that people are different and have many flaws. When you begin to judge or think differently of a friend, recall that Jonathan was a king's son; David was a poor shepherd's son.

4. Be an Encourager and Prayer Warrior. Our friends are suppose to be the people that bring us up. Remind your friends how special they are both to you and God. I have always loved the phrase "Prayer Warrior," because it is so comforting to know that someone is praying for you even when you don't ask. Do that for a friend, even if they don't know; God does. (Philemon 1:4)

5. Be a Forgiver. We are all sinners and we all make mistakes. When I think that someones mistake is too big to be forgiven or that they have had too many chances, I always remember how many times I have failed God and He has forgiven me. Do not let all of the wrongs overshadow all of the good things. (Ephesians 4:32)

Proverbs 17:17 says that, "A friend loves at all times." I do not know what kind of friendships you may have, but I encourage you to remind yourself to have these qualities in them. God has blessed me with an incredible group of best friends and my prayer is that He surrounds you with Christian friendships to help you grow.

I hope you are having a marvelous Tuesday! Much Love!!

P.S. I have joined BlogLovin! If you have an account, please follow the blog there!!

Follow on BlogLovin

So I have been learning more and more about the blogging community and joined BlogLovin! It's really awesome and allows you to see SO many blogs! If you have an account with them or want to get one, please follow A Divine Romance! Be sure to check out this evening post...coming soon! :)

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Thanks!!! Much Love!!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

A Legacy To Leave

Do you remember being a child and wanting to be like the famous people of Hollywood? Maybe it wasn't an actress or a singer, but someone who's name would be remembered. Most people want to be remembered well, whether it be in a big or small way. I have recently been thinking about how I want to leave my legacy. I'm hopefully not going anywhere anytime soon, but I think we start our legacy now.

There can be so many superficial things that trap us in this world. It is so often that we are remembered by our accomplishments, which is great but I want something more than that. I want to be remembered for leaving a fragrance of Christ. A woman who blesses my Lord's name. I want to be able to have touched lives for Christ. Live a life of love. When they think of me, they think of Him. What about you? How do you want those you come in contact with to remember you?

I felt I couldn't say it any better than the lyrics of this song by Nicole Nordeman called, "Legacy."

I don't mind if you've got something nice to say about me
And I enjoy an accolade like the rest
You could take my picture and hang it in a gallery
Of all who's who and so-n-so's that used to be the best
At such'n'such ... it wouldn't matter much

I won't lie, it feels alright to see your name in lights
We all need an 'Atta boy' or 'Atta girl'
But in the end I'd like to hang my hat on more besides
The temporary trappings of this world

I want to leave a legacy
How will they remember me?
Did I choose to love? Did I point to You enough
To make a mark on things?
I want to leave an offering
A child of mercy and grace who
blessed your name unapologetically
And leave that kind of legacy

I don't have to look too far or too long awhile
To make a lengthly list of all that I enjoy
It's an accumulating trinket and a treasure pile
Where moth and rust, thieves and such will soon enough destroy

Not well traveled, not well read, not well-to-do or well bred
Just want to hear instead, "Well Done" good and faithful one...

I hope you take the time to listen to the song or download it. We leave a legacy behind everyday. Everyone we come in contact with will remember us somehow, how do you want people to remember you?

Hope you are having a blessed Sunday! Much Love!!!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Finding Inspiration

So, I decided to do something a little different today! I have recently been compiling all the things that inspire me and make me who I am. I encourage you to do the same at some point. I am discovering so many things. This is a bit more personal than my usual post, so please bare with me.

Current Inspiration:

“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
2 Corinthians 12:9
When I read the commentary on this verse it said, "You don't always have to hold yourself together." I am the type of woman who is always trying to make sure everything is "put together," including myself. So, what a relief to know that we don't have to be perfect and we are allowed to have some weakness! I love that in our weakness, He is able to shine through!

"Is this what you want to be doing when Christ comes back?"

I found this question in a typography post on Pinterest the other day. It was so convicting! I began to think about how much stuff I wanted to do before that day, but then I was hit a little harder. Was this how I wanted to act on the day Christ came back? Would people be able to identify me with Christ if they knew me and He was back? Maybe you are asking yourself the same thing. I can't tell you when Christ is coming back, but I can tell you I want to be able to stand next to Him and mirror similarly to Him in the way I live. What about you? Let start right now!

"When I am overwhelmed lead me to the rock that is higher than I"
Psalm 61:2
Just one of those verses to remind you that there is always someone higher, bigger, and stronger than anything that may be overwhelming you!

"Don't look down on anyone else unless you are helping them up"

I am a big believer in more than one chance, what about you? As a sinner who has been redeemed by her sweet Jesus many times, I think that if He can extend grace then so can we. Many people will tell you that your crazy or naive for extending grace and forgiveness to someone who has hurt you, but didn't Jesus get called some mean things? Instead of looking down on the person struggling, forgive them and help them up. I'm not promising that they won't hurt you again. However, I do believe that God will take care of you.

Hope this brought some inspiration to your Thursday!! I want to thank all those who have given me such sweet encouragement for the blog lately - it means so much to me! I would never be able to do anything with out the help of my precious Lord! Much love!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Thirsting for Peace

I'm going to be honest, I struggled today in choosing what I felt God wanted me to write about. My life is experiencing major changes and constant busyness, which means my head and heart have recently been all over the place. So in the midst of that I find myself thirsting for some peace. If you are an anxious person or a worrier, you probably struggle finding peace in you life as well. I came across a quote that I thought spoke volumes on peace.

"Peace is not the absence of trouble, but the presence of Christ." -Shelia Walsh

It can be difficult to find peace in situations that we do not understand or trials that seem unfixable by us. Relinquishing power over to Christ for your situation can be easier said than actually done. Truly trusting the Lord to work out your trials in His perfect timing (Ecclesiastes 3:11) and His will for your life can be an apprehensive task.

He gives us many verses to lean on in our troubles and a comfort to give us peace. His words are compassionate and can often meet the need that we profess to have even before we have them. He already knows that we will encounter tribulation, but to have peace, because He has overcome the world (John 16:33).

Think about a time when you were stressed and anxious about something that was out of your control. Now imagine that moment when someone comes in and says, "No need to worry I've taken care of it all." What peace and relief just echo throughout you? That's what the Lord is doing for us. Isn't that just the best news you've heard all day?

James tells us to consider all our trials joy (James 1:2). So the next time you get anxious or stressed and looking for peace, remember to present your request to God (Philippians 4:6-7). Prayer and living in a "Christ-Conscious" state will help us to have the peace we saw often forget we have access to!

Hope your having a marvelous Tuesday! Much Love!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Remembering to Dance

Dim light, wood floors, and the news playing in the background is how I remember my grand dancing stage as a child. I don't really remember dance recitals or the feeling of an actual stage. However, I do remember the innocence I felt dancing and singing in front of the people who loved me the most. There was nothing grand about it to most people, but to me it was the best spot light in town. I would twirl and smile as if I had nothing to lose. It was as if I was in the best dance company in the world. There were no expectations and no one to be compared to. I was in a world of bliss.

As time went on I lost the feeling I had once felt in the spotlight of my living room. I lost my twirl, my bliss. The knowledge of who I was had faded. That simple and innocent knowledge that I knew as a child. Spending a few moments listening to the enemy and it all was much more complicated.

Listening to enemy that told me it was easier to believe lies than the truth. There seemed to be more criticism than applause. This wasn't like that make believe stage I had once danced on. I began to only sway and never spin with my eyes closed, who was there to trust? A flaw here and a flaw there. I began to look to the dancers beside me, they seemed to do it much better. Was I really even enough?

I lost who I was.

Somewhere between the hard times and the pain we encounter in this world, we begin to lose our twirl. We forget how to dance (2 Corinthians 2:11). I thought this was an analogy that could help you understand how cherished you are in Christ, but how quickly the enemy can deceive us. He can bring us farther from who we are than we ever expected ourselves to go. We begin to rush through life. We forget what great dancers we are and how beautiful our stage is.

If we slow down enough to really listen to the Lord, I think we will find that same feeling I once felt in my living room. We will find some innocence and bliss. We will feel as if we are enough, because we are! Remember who God made YOU to be, no one but YOU! That is a very powerful thing and the knowledge that in Him you are enough!

Don't forget to dance. Turn up the music real loud if you have to and let yourself be free. You deserve to know how precious and cherished you are in Christ! He is risen and in Him you have a new identity (2 Corinthians 5:17), you can dance!

Have a blessed Easter! Much Love!!

P.S. Sorry for not posting this last week - I was at the beach without wifi!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Love as a Verb

When many of us think of love, we think of the commercialized love that is celebrated in romantic movies and the aisles at Walgreens around Valentine's day. Hearts, flowers, and the color pink come to my mind. Even though Valentine's Day was almost two months ago it doesn't mean that we should forget how to love. As I flipped through my bible, I came across a note I had written that said, "Love is a verb." I rarely think of love as a verb, but it really is an action we must do.

The famous thirteenth chapter in First Corinthians gives a step by step definition of what love is and how one should love. Each of the words are actions like being patience, being kind, and being selfless. These are all things we must do. In Ephesians 5:1, we see that Paul tells us to "Be imitators of God, therefore as dearly loved children, and live a life of love just as Christ loved us..." It can be easy to think or talk about the things we want to do for those we love, but we must start actually doing them. Start living a life that is of great love.

Being a woman, I am more sensitive to what I hear than what I see. So, I love to hear that I am loved or sweet things. However, that is not the only thing that is required when we love someone. We must really begin putting love in our actions in the ways that meet others needs. Being more in-tuned to what people need in order to feel loved, their love language. Everyone seems to be different.

Understanding how to love people in our lives can be a very powerful tool in making healthy and lasting relationships. I recently was talking to a friend about how I realized that if we only love the people who are easy to love then we aren't really doing what God has done for us. We must love the people who are sometimes difficult to love. Isn't that what Christ has done for us? Think about how hard it must be to love us sometimes? Remember that the next time you are struggling to love someone who seems tough to love (John 13:34-35).

Hope your having an awesome Wednesday! Much Love!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Temporary Happiness or Lasting Joy?

I stood at the counter of my favorite boutique buying a new outfit and a new pair of adorable shoes. The must have outfit and shoes were suppose to be therapy to my rough day. I like to joke that my favorite kind of therapy is retail therapy.

However, as I left the store that day I didn't feel much better. Most outfits in my closet were all purchases on this pursuit for well happiness. There was a red dress to ease my heart after a fight with a friend. A pair of shoes to make myself feel better about the bad grade. The pretty piece of jewelry to fix the worries I had. You get the picture. I began to realize that I was trying to fill the void of wanting happiness with things that were so temporary instead of turning to God, who gives everlasting joy (Isaiah 35:10).

I began to think as I looked inside my closet stuffed with shoes and clothes that all these things were fleeting, happiness was fleeting. What if instead of buying those shoes or that dress, we turned to Christ? What if instead of turning to things that were temporary, we turned to something that last? Instead of running away from the tough stuff in life or avoiding them, we faced them knowing that God is our strength (Psalm 28:7).

It can a liberating feeling when you realize that you don't have to settle for temporary happiness. It is not that you won't face tough things or experience pain, but you have a strength that will give you a joy no matter what. I have always loved James 1:2, "Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, when you face trials of many." It wasn't until the moment I stood in front of my closet when I realized that I must start looking at life with great joy. Experiencing God's great joy instead of fixating on this "happiness," that I think I need.

I hope that whatever you may be experiencing today you make a choice to pursue Christ and his everlasting joy. Do not settle for temporary happiness, but rather something that is everlasting!

Hope you have a great Sunday!! Much love!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Where will you go?

Ruth is a very influential person in the bible, hence the reason that she is one of the two women who got a whole book! I greatly admire her and her incredible Godly character. She has a beautiful quality that I want to focus on today, her devotion. In a world with a growing divorce, drop out, and un-employment rate, devoting ones self to something is hard to come by. However, Ruth shows us what true devotion means.

If you do not already know the story of Ruth, let me give you a little background. A recently widowed Ruth begs to go with her mother-in-law instead of staying back in her homeland where she could start over. Her mother-in-law, Naomi, insist that she stay back instead of traveling with her to Bethlehem. Ruth realizes that she must convey to Naomi that no matter what she may say she isn't leaving her side. In verses 16-17 of chapter 1, she says, "Do not urge me to leave you or turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. Where you die I will die, and there I will be buried. May the Lord deal with me, be it ever so severely, if anything but death separate you from me."

What power and bravery those words have! You must understand that Ruth is giving up everything she has ever known to follow Naomi. She may never marry again or bare children, her future is completely unknown. This is true devotion. She is not giving an ultimatum or a "three strikes and I'm gone" policy, she is in it for the long haul. She has no clue what the future may hold, but she wants it to be by the side of Naomi, her mother-in-law!

What if we put some of this devotion into our lives? We live in a world that always seems to give us a way out, but what if we stuck for the long haul. We put some commitment in areas of our lives that challenge us from time to time. There are times when life just gets tough and it would be so much easier to just check out, but what if we stayed? I know that there have been times when I knew someone needed me, but it was easier if I just left the situation be. It seemed so messy and unknown to help them pick up the pieces. I don't want to live a life like that, I'd rather live one that has devotion and character. Don't you?

If you continue to read Ruth, which I hope you do, you will find that God blesses Ruth tremendously. Not that I am trying to coerce you into having more devotion in your life, but I think you will find that it is powerful. I so often am asking myself "Is this worth it?" to only receive a sweet little reply from Him saying "yes!" God does not ever expect us to do it alone. He knows that when things are hard it's easier to just hit the road, but I think He wants us to stick it out (Proverbs 18:24)

I hope that Ruth gave you some encouragement today! I hope you read the whole book, this won't be my only time to focus on her. If you have not already made a commitment to God, I pray that you do. If you have, then apply this to your relationship and walk with Him as well (Psalm 37:5)!

Hope you have a wonderful Thursday! Much Love!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Finding Contentment

Being content can sometimes be a difficult thing to instill in your life.  Even though I have been so graciously blessed by God with many things, I still find myself wanting more.  It's something I hate to admit!  In a world that seems to be more materialistic than ever, it tough to think we have enough.

With a great love for "things," it's tough to say no to fabulous purses and shoes.  However it begins to create a void that we cannot fill.  Do you ever feel that way?  For you it may not be about things, but about relationships.  The ones you love just are not doing enough or appreciating you enough.  Nothing seems like it is ever up to par with you. 

Hebrews13:5 tells us to be content with what we have.  Whether it be in your relationships or in a want for things, we must learn that every good gift is from above and that we have all we need (2 Corinthians 9:8 and James 1:17).  When we begin to become content with what we have, I think we will find great love for those things.

Do not do this alone, ask for the Lord's help (Jeremiah 33:3).  Our goal should be that of Philippians4:11-13, to be content in whatever circumstances.  We must begin looking at what we have as enough.  Begin telling those in our life that they measure up and are enough for us.  When they don't seem to meet all our needs, we must turn to God.  Many of those needs that we expect others to fill are often ones only God can fill.  In order to be content we must become dependent on him to fulfill our needs.

If you are like me and have nagged a few people in your life about not being enough whether directly or indirectly, I encourage you to tell them that they are enough.  Start reflecting on the needs you expect them to fill and ask God to fill them instead.  Your relationships will appreciate it.  Try to find contentment in what you have instead of buying whatever the latest thing may be.

I hope you have a lovely Tuesday!! Much Love!!

P.S. Check out the new "Support A Cause" Page! I'm super excited about it!!!

I love this quote and it completely applies to our newest goal! :)