Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Love as a Verb

When many of us think of love, we think of the commercialized love that is celebrated in romantic movies and the aisles at Walgreens around Valentine's day. Hearts, flowers, and the color pink come to my mind. Even though Valentine's Day was almost two months ago it doesn't mean that we should forget how to love. As I flipped through my bible, I came across a note I had written that said, "Love is a verb." I rarely think of love as a verb, but it really is an action we must do.

The famous thirteenth chapter in First Corinthians gives a step by step definition of what love is and how one should love. Each of the words are actions like being patience, being kind, and being selfless. These are all things we must do. In Ephesians 5:1, we see that Paul tells us to "Be imitators of God, therefore as dearly loved children, and live a life of love just as Christ loved us..." It can be easy to think or talk about the things we want to do for those we love, but we must start actually doing them. Start living a life that is of great love.

Being a woman, I am more sensitive to what I hear than what I see. So, I love to hear that I am loved or sweet things. However, that is not the only thing that is required when we love someone. We must really begin putting love in our actions in the ways that meet others needs. Being more in-tuned to what people need in order to feel loved, their love language. Everyone seems to be different.

Understanding how to love people in our lives can be a very powerful tool in making healthy and lasting relationships. I recently was talking to a friend about how I realized that if we only love the people who are easy to love then we aren't really doing what God has done for us. We must love the people who are sometimes difficult to love. Isn't that what Christ has done for us? Think about how hard it must be to love us sometimes? Remember that the next time you are struggling to love someone who seems tough to love (John 13:34-35).

Hope your having an awesome Wednesday! Much Love!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Temporary Happiness or Lasting Joy?

I stood at the counter of my favorite boutique buying a new outfit and a new pair of adorable shoes. The must have outfit and shoes were suppose to be therapy to my rough day. I like to joke that my favorite kind of therapy is retail therapy.

However, as I left the store that day I didn't feel much better. Most outfits in my closet were all purchases on this pursuit for well happiness. There was a red dress to ease my heart after a fight with a friend. A pair of shoes to make myself feel better about the bad grade. The pretty piece of jewelry to fix the worries I had. You get the picture. I began to realize that I was trying to fill the void of wanting happiness with things that were so temporary instead of turning to God, who gives everlasting joy (Isaiah 35:10).

I began to think as I looked inside my closet stuffed with shoes and clothes that all these things were fleeting, happiness was fleeting. What if instead of buying those shoes or that dress, we turned to Christ? What if instead of turning to things that were temporary, we turned to something that last? Instead of running away from the tough stuff in life or avoiding them, we faced them knowing that God is our strength (Psalm 28:7).

It can a liberating feeling when you realize that you don't have to settle for temporary happiness. It is not that you won't face tough things or experience pain, but you have a strength that will give you a joy no matter what. I have always loved James 1:2, "Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, when you face trials of many." It wasn't until the moment I stood in front of my closet when I realized that I must start looking at life with great joy. Experiencing God's great joy instead of fixating on this "happiness," that I think I need.

I hope that whatever you may be experiencing today you make a choice to pursue Christ and his everlasting joy. Do not settle for temporary happiness, but rather something that is everlasting!

Hope you have a great Sunday!! Much love!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Where will you go?

Ruth is a very influential person in the bible, hence the reason that she is one of the two women who got a whole book! I greatly admire her and her incredible Godly character. She has a beautiful quality that I want to focus on today, her devotion. In a world with a growing divorce, drop out, and un-employment rate, devoting ones self to something is hard to come by. However, Ruth shows us what true devotion means.

If you do not already know the story of Ruth, let me give you a little background. A recently widowed Ruth begs to go with her mother-in-law instead of staying back in her homeland where she could start over. Her mother-in-law, Naomi, insist that she stay back instead of traveling with her to Bethlehem. Ruth realizes that she must convey to Naomi that no matter what she may say she isn't leaving her side. In verses 16-17 of chapter 1, she says, "Do not urge me to leave you or turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. Where you die I will die, and there I will be buried. May the Lord deal with me, be it ever so severely, if anything but death separate you from me."

What power and bravery those words have! You must understand that Ruth is giving up everything she has ever known to follow Naomi. She may never marry again or bare children, her future is completely unknown. This is true devotion. She is not giving an ultimatum or a "three strikes and I'm gone" policy, she is in it for the long haul. She has no clue what the future may hold, but she wants it to be by the side of Naomi, her mother-in-law!

What if we put some of this devotion into our lives? We live in a world that always seems to give us a way out, but what if we stuck for the long haul. We put some commitment in areas of our lives that challenge us from time to time. There are times when life just gets tough and it would be so much easier to just check out, but what if we stayed? I know that there have been times when I knew someone needed me, but it was easier if I just left the situation be. It seemed so messy and unknown to help them pick up the pieces. I don't want to live a life like that, I'd rather live one that has devotion and character. Don't you?

If you continue to read Ruth, which I hope you do, you will find that God blesses Ruth tremendously. Not that I am trying to coerce you into having more devotion in your life, but I think you will find that it is powerful. I so often am asking myself "Is this worth it?" to only receive a sweet little reply from Him saying "yes!" God does not ever expect us to do it alone. He knows that when things are hard it's easier to just hit the road, but I think He wants us to stick it out (Proverbs 18:24)

I hope that Ruth gave you some encouragement today! I hope you read the whole book, this won't be my only time to focus on her. If you have not already made a commitment to God, I pray that you do. If you have, then apply this to your relationship and walk with Him as well (Psalm 37:5)!

Hope you have a wonderful Thursday! Much Love!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Finding Contentment

Being content can sometimes be a difficult thing to instill in your life.  Even though I have been so graciously blessed by God with many things, I still find myself wanting more.  It's something I hate to admit!  In a world that seems to be more materialistic than ever, it tough to think we have enough.

With a great love for "things," it's tough to say no to fabulous purses and shoes.  However it begins to create a void that we cannot fill.  Do you ever feel that way?  For you it may not be about things, but about relationships.  The ones you love just are not doing enough or appreciating you enough.  Nothing seems like it is ever up to par with you. 

Hebrews13:5 tells us to be content with what we have.  Whether it be in your relationships or in a want for things, we must learn that every good gift is from above and that we have all we need (2 Corinthians 9:8 and James 1:17).  When we begin to become content with what we have, I think we will find great love for those things.

Do not do this alone, ask for the Lord's help (Jeremiah 33:3).  Our goal should be that of Philippians4:11-13, to be content in whatever circumstances.  We must begin looking at what we have as enough.  Begin telling those in our life that they measure up and are enough for us.  When they don't seem to meet all our needs, we must turn to God.  Many of those needs that we expect others to fill are often ones only God can fill.  In order to be content we must become dependent on him to fulfill our needs.

If you are like me and have nagged a few people in your life about not being enough whether directly or indirectly, I encourage you to tell them that they are enough.  Start reflecting on the needs you expect them to fill and ask God to fill them instead.  Your relationships will appreciate it.  Try to find contentment in what you have instead of buying whatever the latest thing may be.

I hope you have a lovely Tuesday!! Much Love!!

P.S. Check out the new "Support A Cause" Page! I'm super excited about it!!!

I love this quote and it completely applies to our newest goal! :)

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Finding Sunsine Under the Clouds

As cliche as that title sounds, that seems to be true for me sometimes. I often am in need of some inspiration and a reminder of how beautiful life in the midst of trials. Life can be tough sometimes and really hard to understand. I was brought to 2 Corinthians 4:16-18, it tells us to not look on the problems we see now, but to focus on the future. That verse produces hope for me, does it do the same for you?

While James 1:2 tell us to consider all of our trials pure joy, sometimes that is easier said than done. Sometimes we need some encouragement and hope that things will truly get better. God promises to leave us or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5). I have found that the whole bible is that encouragement and hope. It lets us know that this world is overcome and everything will be ok.

I'm not sure if you do a quiet time or devotional, but if your going through something tough, it is a life-savior. Many answers can be found in that quiet time with Jesus. Journaling is also a fabulous way to watch God transform your situation.

I know I usually have more in-depth posts, but today I did not have very much on my heart to say. I just wanted to give some encouragement for those situations that you may feel are hopeless right now. God is always faithful and full of love (Psalm 33:4).

Hope you have a wonderful Friday!! Much Love!

P.S. I am still trying to figure out a posting schedule that works - so sorry!! I have been very busy this week with my darling boyfriend (Stevie) being in town for only the week. However, next week everything will be back to normal. Thanks for all your support!!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Noticing the Precious Moments

Kurt Vonnegut once said, "I urge you to please notice when you are happy, and exclaim or murmur or think at some point, "If this isn't nice, I don't know what is."

I absolutely love this quote!  I so often get wrapped up in all the anxieties of life rather than focusing on how I am truly blessed.  Recently I have tried to "smell the flowers" a little more in my life.  In James 1:17, James tells us that "every good and perfect gift is from above."  Think about how many good gifts we have in our daily lives that we do not even recognize. 

Not only do we have great gifts in our lives, but those gifts often create great moments.  I feel as if everywhere you look something is telling you to enjoy the moment and cherish the day.   What if we for once really did that?  If we took time out of our busy day to really notice the things that will ultimately reveal to us, a great deal of happiness.  Often times when we slow down and enjoy a moment with someone for what it truly is, we find great peace and happiness.

I love when I catch myself in those precious moments that remind me how wonderful God is.  When I think to myself if this is it for me, then I am satisfied.  If we begin to notice these moments and blessings in our life, we will be so much more satisfied with our lives and less worried about tomorrow.  In Matthew 6:34, Jesus tells us not to worry about tomorrow, because today has enough trouble of its own.

My encouragement for you today is stop and cherish some moments in your day or just take time to see all your blessings.  I think you will not only be content, but overwhelmed.  Remember your God is a very awesome God! 

Have a fantastic week! Much Love! 

P.S. I updated the Verses I'm Loving page - check it out!!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Fabulous Things Come to Those Who Wait

With technology at our finger tips, waiting for things is becoming a more tedious task. Between my ability to have instantaneous contact with those around me or fast forwarding through commercials, I don't seem to wait on much in my daily life. God does not forget to leave some mystery in my life or keep me waiting for something. I must admit I am very thankful for that at the end of every day.

My sweet boyfriend lives thousands of miles away for school, which has taught me a lot about patience. I guess for me that first direction of love (1 Corinthians 13:4) is very pertinent to my life (Thanks God!). Patiently waiting for him to come home can be very difficult at times, but it makes seeing him all the more special. Often times when we get things right away, we just don't appreciate them the same way.

Think about something that God has required you to be patient about and wait for His timing. The Bible says in Ecclesiastes 3 that there is a time for everything. Sometimes we just have to wait it out a little while. He gives us great comfort and encouragement in our waiting though, which I greatly appreciate! Psalm 27:14 asks us to wait upon the Lord and He will strengthen us. In Matthew 18:26, Jesus tells us that if we are patient, He will pay us back. I love those promises that we don't really deserve, they are so humbling and reminding of how sweet the Lord is to us.

I'm not sure if you are waiting on something in your life. Maybe it's big or maybe it's small, but I encourage you though to have patience. Your plan is in the hands of the maker of the universe, He knows what is right for you. He will give you what you need at the perfect time (Isaiah 55:8).

Hope you have a terrific Tuesday!! Much Love!

P.S. I have written recently on what God is doing mostly in my life and what He lays on my heart. However, I would love to hear more from you and what He has been doing in your life. I have SO appreciated the encouraging words and support about the post!!

I loved this quote and wanted to share it with you! 

Song to listen to: While I'm Waiting by: John Waller 

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Watching Your Words

The power of our words can be such a difficult thing to grasp.  I'm not sure if you are like me, but I am quite the talker.  Sometimes my words can be encouraging, and other times quite discouraging.  Our words have such an impact on those around us.  I recently was given such sweet support by someone who I care about deeply.  I often have little "projects" that I like to start in my life.  I can get so nervous about starting them, because I am scared they might not work out just perfectly.  While I am very blessed to have a wonderful support system, this specific evening spoke volumes to me.  It was not anything out of the ordinary for this person to support me, but their words were exactly what I needed to hear.  The words made me feel as if I could do anything with the support of that person and that I was enough to get the task done.  I realized that night not only how blessed I was to have such a special person, but that I want my words to have that kind of impact.  I want to be that kind of person, a person of impact.

Do you have people in your life that are just impacting with their presense?  Do their words encourage you and penetrate your heart greatly?  God's word tells us in Ephesians 4:29 to not have discouraging things come out of our mouth, but rather things to build a person up.  We have the choice everytime we open our mouth as to whether or not we will say something encouraging or discouraging.  The old saying that "If your don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all" is true.  We must be careful with our words.  God is not asking you to do it alone, He is your helper (Isaiah 41:13).

In the light of encouragement, I encourage you today to not only be careful with your words, but to speak words of love.  There are so many people in our lives who need to hear things from us and we often fall short of saying those words.  Ask God to guide you and give you the words to speak to the people in your life.  You'll see relationships changed, I'm sure of it!

P.S. My posting schedule may be changing, I'm just getting use to this! Looks like things will be posted on Tuesday and Thursday!

Have a fabulous Sunday! Much Love!

Song to listen to: Give Me Words to Speak by: Aaron Shust