Monday, June 25, 2012

Be You

I have been missing the blog greatly, but I have to be honest I've been loving what God is teaching me. Usually when He lays something on my heart I immediately want to write about it, but that hasn't been the case for the past few weeks. I had the opportunity to spend my weekend volunteering at a youth conference that my family has helped put on for over 17 years now, called Steubenville. It was profound to watch hundreds of high school students accept Christ. Isn't that awesome? His work this weekend had me on fire for Him.

Anyway, it may seem like I have completely forgotten about my "In Search of Everything" project...I haven't. I have actually been doing lots of research and writing on it.

The first thing that has profoundly hit me is How simple right? The thing is, I get so preoccupied on trying to change or try new things that I forget to embrace certain characteristics about myself that some may dislike, but someone else might love. One of those people being Jesus.

"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made"
Psalm 139:14

As I began to think and pray on this God brought to mind some people that I love so deeply. Characteristics that they have that make them who they are began to flood my mind. Both good and bad qualities that I cherished. Those qualities are what made me love them and make them unique.

My encouragement to you today is to just be you. Accept your true likes, instead of trying to force yourself to do something, because someone else thinks you should or it looks rather glamorous. You were created unique.

Hope you have a lovely Monday! Much Love!

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